Module Prestashop

SEO - Delete duplicate url

Improve your SEO URL for your products, categories and CMS pages by removing duplication url.

EC duplicate Url gives you all Url simplified products, categories and CMS pages that are duplicates on your shop.

  • SEO - Delete duplicate url - Addons Prestashop
  • SEO - Delete duplicate url - Addons Prestashop
  • SEO - Delete duplicate url - Addons Prestashop
  • SEO - Delete duplicate url - Addons Prestashop
  • SEO - Delete duplicate url - Addons Prestashop
  • SEO - Delete duplicate url - Addons Prestashop
With the Duplicate URL module, you now have the ability to optimize your SEO by removing url duplicates.

Urls will therefore have a higher value for the search engines and will therefore more likely to be displayed in the results of these.

All url generated by prestashop do not necessarily make sense. Whether it is for your visitors or search engines, especially if they are not translated. This leads you to be more or less well noted and therefore classified in the list of search engines. Your url is an important part in the success of your SEO campaign.

Decide on a quality driver thread is the first thing to aim to provide useful information to visitors. A clean single url, and having a true sense is a symbol of quality that different engines may consider looking for your ranking.

Ec duplicate Url will allow you to get a list of all of your simplified url (products, categories, CMS) that are duplicates on your store the different languages ​​but also different store (for multi-boutique). So you will have the chance to change your url directly by clicking the link that will take you suyr the right page to edit it.

The Duplicate Url module is a must-have for the best SEO and therefore a good ranking in search engines. Your url is much more visually pleasing but will also be more readable for search engines and you will otherwise your ranking in the search results.
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