Terms of Service
The applicable Terms are available here: http://www.ethercreation.com/Conditions_generales_de_Ventes.pdf and as part of a module or service category Dropshipping here: http://www.ethercreation.com/cgv-ecs .pdf
Specificity for monthly payments:
Payment will be taken monthly on the anniversary date. The subscription is valid for 1 month, and automatically renews each month or collection takes place.
A period started is not refundable.
In case of non payment the services will be cut, and we can not be held responsible for the consequences (among other loss of sales, loss of customer, etc ...).
We remain the owner before, during and after the payment (even in case of breakage) of the platform made available between Shopify Shop and the supplier in Dropshipping. The customer can only use it as long as he is up to date with his payments the used one.
No refund is possible from the moment the customer starts to use it.
In case of termination of the subscription, non payment of monthly payments, suspension of the site or any other case. Ether Creation reserves the right to empty the product catalog import, no longer synchronize stock and order, and that regardless of the consequences for the store Shopify. No compensation can be requested by Shopify Shop for loss of turnover, or impossibility to honor its customers.
In case of stoppage of services, and whatever the cause, 50 € HT will be charged by Ether Creation for the termination.
All requests for termination of subscription must be made in writing with a 15-day notice, via registered letter, to the following address: Ether Creation - 16 rue dominique godivier - 53200 Daon